2nd Lockdown Announcement
05 November 2020
Dear Friends,
Well, here we go again! As we enter our second national lockdown, our team here at NTUK will continue to work as hard as we possibly can to help our NF community across the UK to weather the storms we may now face. While the pandemic and the lockdown affects all of us, it is extremely important to remember, and acknowledge, that we are not all in the same boat, and each member of our community may face their very own unique problems. The team is here to help you in any way we can, so please do not hesitate to contact us.
We can help in so many ways. First and foremost, our regional nurses are still here and carrying out their duties; there are sections on our website that cover medical issues, carers' information, issues around employment, school information, etc; and our national helpline will be operational as usual on Monday and Wednesday each week.
Please do continue to follow the government guidelines during this period. It is only if we all pull together, respect each other and behave as we should, that we will get the better of this dreadful virus. As we often say, we are stronger together!
With my warmest wishes,
For further information visit our help section

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Joanna’s story
Joanna highlights the importance of women with NF1 receiving mammograms, and being able to train for the 2023 London Marathon
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Mobile Device Usage by Young Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) or Disabilities in Their Home
Research: exploring current use of mobile devices in the home - parents' perspectives & experiences
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NF2 and Radiotherapy
Research: Studying the risk of serious side effects of radiotherapy in people with NF2
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Sally’s NF1 story
Sally tells a story that will resonate - devastation at diagnosis, gratitude for incredible support & making the most of life
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National NF2 Meeting
A report from the annual National NF2 meeting, with NTUK in attendance
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NF International and National meetings in Manchester
NTUK reports back from the NF Patients Community Day and the 20th European Neurofibromatosis Meeting in Manchester
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Mindful Parenting Study
Research study: Mindful Parenting Programme for parents or carers of children aged 4-16 living with a visible difference
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Adam Buxton and some colleagues - NTUK Comedy Night
Join us at the Union Chapel, London on Thursday 24th November for the latest comedy night to celebrate 40 years of NTUK
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We know 26, 500 people who need your help
To expand our Specialist Neurofibromatosis Network, we need to continue raising awareness of what we do
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