Funny Peculiar
01 July 2019
Funny Peculiar
Thank you so much to Peculiar Productions for putting on such incredible shows in their rendition of Terry Pratchett’s classic comedy “Men At Arms”. We have been told that roughly 900 tickets were sold in total between the 21st-24th of August and we couldn't be more thankful as all proceeds are being donated towards our vital cause!
Thanks again and we are so glad to see that your show received such great reviews Find out more here

Peculiar Productions is an amateur theatre company which puts on very accomplished productions, principally of Terry Pratchett adaptations. This year’s show brings to life on stage Terry Pratchett’s classic comedy-fantasy thriller, Men at Arms. The company gives all the proceeds from their shows to charity, and this year has chosen Nerve Tumours UK as the beneficiary.
The director, Matthew Hitchman, explains the connection to the charity.
“We chose Nerve Tumours UK as this year’s charity because one of our members, Sarah Burrows, sadly lost a good friend this year, who passed away due to the condition. As a company, we aim to give our audiences a great time, and also make a contribution to a worthwhile cause, so we’re delighted to be able to support the important work of Nerve Tumours UK. We’ll also take the opportunity at the shows to raise awareness about nerve tumours, a condition I suspect people know very little about – I certainly didn’t.”

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