09 September 2020
Over the past few months, we have kept our services operating on a business as usual service as best as we can to support you, our NF community.
But now we need to ask you for help. As you know Covid19 has led to many fundraising events like; The Great North Run, Prudential Ride and The Asics London 10K to be cancelled. These events generate the majority of donations for us and without them our income streams have been totally depleted.
That’s why we’re asking you to get out there and fundraise for Nerve Tumours UK. After this long lock down getting outside and putting the Fun into Fundraising will help us and the community immensely. However small your activity may seem, any donations you raise will help to support you, our community and our specialist Neurofibromatosis network - The Helpline, our nurses, Information provision name it.
It’s time to get creative and plan your own fundraiser. If you are yet to decide on how to get involved, we’ve got lots of great ideas for you; GoSober in October, Movember, Christmas collections, Sponsored Walk, Virtual Challenge, Game for Good, Picnic in the Park, Coffee Morning, Online Quiz, Donate your commute, Hold a Masterclass, Loose Change.
Go Sober, get sponsored to become booze-free for an entire month!

Grow your mustache for Neurofibromatosis

Sponsored Walk
Get sponsored to walk a distance of your choosing! Team up with the family or trek solo and complete any distance you want. Set yourself an epic trek to complete over a week or walk a shorter distance in one go.

Virtual Challenge
Get sponsored and take part in one of our Virtual Challenges! Climb the highest mountain, join our cycling gang or run your own marathon! Head over to our Virtual Challenge Hub for inspiration.
Take Part
Game for Good
If you love gaming why not host your own livestream and get sponsored. Set yourself a goal of gaming for 12 hours or even 24 hours and get people to donate.

Coffee Morning
Host a virtual coffee morning and have a much needed catch up with your friends and family. Get them to donate the cost of a coffee to take part.

Online Quiz
Become a virtual quiz master for all your friends & family and charge an entrance fee to take part!

Donate your commute
Many of us are working from home right now. Why not donate the money you may be saving on your weekly commute.

Hold a Masterclass
Turn your favourite hobby into a live stream virtual masterclass in exchange for donations. From yoga to baking to knitting – people always want to learn, especially from friends!

Loose Change
Got a jar of loose change sat on the shelf and wondering what to do with it? Cash it in and donate it!

If you have your own fundraising idea or have been inspired to start one of the above fundraisers. Go to our fundraising hub today and help us get back on track.
No matter how small the donation, every pound helps keep our services running as normal.
If you aren’t able to run a fundraiser you can donate directly to support us below
Contact us directly with your fundraising idea or if you have any questions We can provide fundraising material and cater for your needs

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Jem Musselwhite and Rich White are fundraising by walking the Pilgrims’ Way
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