“Framing the face: History, Emotion, Transplantation” a blog from James Partridge
04 November 2019
"Framing the face: History, Emotion, Transplantation" a blog from James Partridge
James Partridge Director of Face Equality International has recently written a blog concerning an inter-disciplinary research project that addresses the emotional and cultural history of face transplants by York University in "About Face".
James hopes that as a result of this project there will be "New inter-disciplinary efforts not only to enable surgical advances but also to re-ignite the psycho-social interventions designed to empower people with facial disfigurements of any cause to face their futures confidently, negating the stigma they are bound to face. And to give further impetus to public awareness/education efforts to ensure the prejudice-free social inclusion of people with distinctive faces… which is the ultimate goal of the campaign, soon becoming a global movement, for face equality (like race equality)."
We as members of Face Equality International support the project and specifically James' insights. If you would like to read James' blog, you can do so by clicking on the link below
James has also recently shared his views on the advantages and disadvantages those with facial differences may encounter as a result of new developing AI technology that is being implemented into society.
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