European Neurofibromatosis Meeting 2020
26 November 2020

This year's meeting is to be virtual, and so you are invited to join the public day, Saturday 12 December.
"This day is meant for people with NF and their parents/caretakers from a social perspective, but also health care professionals, paramedics and all interested in NF. The importance of the ‘Public Day’ comes from the complexity of conditions related to NF, unknown and misunderstood, with difficulty to inform on developments in NF."
The registration fee is €25.00
The European NF meeting is a key platform for established as well as starting professionals in NF research and clinical care. Health professionals, researchers and patients from all over the world, including members of the Nerve Tumours UK Medical Advisory Board: Professor Gareth Evans, Chair; Professor Rosalie Ferner, and Dr Shruti Garg will join the online conference and exchange knowledge and ideas and establish new collaborations. Bringing together all different disciplines involved in NF research and care, the European NF meeting offers a forum for advancing basic, translational and clinical research in NF and related fields, with one purpose: to improve the quality of life of NF patients.

Prof Gareth Evans

Prof Rosalie Ferner

Dr Shruti Garg --
The 19th European Neurofibromatosis meeting is organized by the Erasmus MC national NF1 Expertise (ENCORE) and the patient organization for neurofibromatosis in the Netherlands (NFVN).
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