How to Find a Challenge
How to Find a Challenge
Our Challenge Hub:
Our challenge hub is designed to help you find and take part in all the major fundraising events available across the UK. These tend to be events such as marathons in which we have applied for places ourselves so that we can then offer those places to you, our supporters. A prime example of this would be the London the Marathon where if you miss the chance to run the marathon via a place in the ballot, charities such as ourselves can offer you a place in the marathon in return for you fundraising for us.
This of course is only a minor part of all the wonderful fundraising opportunities out there. In fact the opportunities to fundraise are endless, whatever you want to do whether that be run a marathon, do a bungee jump, host a ball or even just hold a bake sale, your fundraising can be whatever you choose. For some great examples of past fundraisers carried out by our wonderful supporters click here
If you would like to visit our challenge hub to see what events are available then please click on the button below:

Run/Cycle/Sport For Charity:
On top of our challenge hub we have teamed up with an organisation to help you find regional events more compelling to you. Through this you are able not only get involved yourself, but you are able to include your family, friends, even work colleagues to get involved with your dream fundraising event.
These three pages allow you to find a whole array of events related to running, cycling and sport in which you choose to fundraise with us, Nerve Tumours UK. If none of our major events listed on our challenge hub excite you then perhaps you will find an event more suited and gripping to yourself amongst one of these pages.