Wass’ Everyday Battlers 10K Stratford Run
03 September 2019
Wass' Everyday Battlers 10K Stratford Run
Wassim Chokri is running the 10K Stratford Run for Nerve Tumours UK. Here he explains his reasons as to why he's taking on the challenge:
"My name is Wass, from Reading. I am the first in my family to be diagnosed with NF1, which happened at 18 months old. I have a large plexiform neurofibroma that I have regular operations on to debulk, which cause me a lot of pain in my day-to-day life & have multiple other operations to remove smaller neurofibromas that have developed over time. Due to daily struggles of living with NF, I have been selected for the Every Day Battlers campaign which is for people who have faced mental or psychical challenges in their lives. I am using this opportunity to raise money & promote Neurofibromatosis."
Everyone at Nerve Tumours UK would like to thank Wassim for going the extra mile and wish him the best of luck in his race 😊
If you would like to support Wassim in his fundraising efforts you can do so by clicking on the link below:
Wass recently completed his run and can be seen below with his deserved award and two medals. We again would like to thank Wass for his incredible efforts and congratulate him on succeeding in his run 😊
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