Stitched up by Celia
28 January 2021
Celia, from the Scottish Highlands, continued to support Nerve Tumours UK throughout lockdown with her unique handicrafts, selling her products online.
Follow her example and get creative with your online fundraising ideas – who knows what incredible ideas you may come up with!
In her own words "My 10-year-old granddaughter was diagnosed with NF1 as a 14-month-old and the family became aware of Nerve Tumours UK from the beginning. When I retired in 2015, I realised I had more time to indulge my passion for sewing and knitting, but would soon have kitted out all the family with things they probably didn't really need, so I decided to make things for charity, and Nerve Tumours UK seemed the obvious choice.
I just make what I feel like as I sew and knit for pleasure...

I do not sew and knit to order as I don't want to put myself under that pressure. Selling is not easy up here in the Scottish Highlands and I have, in the past, had stalls at community markets and Christmas fairs. This was not possible in 2020, so I decided to try to sell through my Facebook page which proved more successful, though not so much fun!
I am hoping to sustain my output so, hopefully, there will be another donation for 2021!"
If you have any fundraising ideas, please contact us or have a look at the following.
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