Ruby Galloway (NF1) is thrown an incredible sleepover!
10 July 2019
Ruby Galloway (NF1) is thrown an incredible sleepover!
At just 4 years old Ruby Galloway has been courageously battling against her NF1.
Recently however she was thrown an incredible sleepover at the hands of Plym TeePee parties run by Claire Shaw and her daughter Nicole.
Ruby received the gift after "nearly half of Plymouth" voted for her to receive the gift, which conveys the respect and love that Ruby's community has for her and brave attitude to dealing with her condition.
Ruby at her sleepover

If you would like to read more about Ruby's sleepover, including Claire and Nicole's reasoning behind their incredibly kind gesture then you can do so by clicking on the link below:
Ruby's family is also set to hold their own Masquerade Ball fundraiser which is set to take place at the New Continental Hotel on October 25th.
– Mum Katie"It has been overwhelming with the many kind hearted people we have met and been in touch with since we planned the charity event that we are holding in October. Us as a family are trying to get as much awareness out there as possible about Neurofibromatosis and have even decide to hold another fundraising event next month where anyone who are are willing to be waxed or have their head shaved will raise money for Nerve Tumours UK"
Everyone at Nerve Tumours UK would like to say thank you to the Galloway family for all their efforts, including putting on what is sure to be a fantastic ball and we would also like to commemorate Ruby for being the incredible young girl that she is!
If you would like to attend the Galloway's ball you can find the link to their event below:
The Galloway Family

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