Beth’s “Novaspers Online Dog Show”
20 January 2020
Novaspers Online Dog Show
A fun online pet show for all pets big and small. The show name is named after Beth's two dogs Nova and Jasper. Most of the money raised will go towards Nerve Tumours UK.
All you have to do is join Beth's Facebook group, and as soon as the show opens you can message Beth with photos of your pets and what classes they would like to enter. If you wish to enter the video class you can send Beth a video of their pet/pets.
The cost of entry will be £2 per photo. The THEME is Bows and Feathers! You can enter as many photos of your pets as you want! The pageant will stay OPEN until March 3rd! Please send photos to Beth via the Facebook group and make all payments via the link below (this can also be found on the Facebook group):
Beth is also looking for a number of people to sponsor her classes. The sponsor for each class will cost £10 and will cover the cost of both trophy and Rosettes for each class.
The prizes for each class will be as follows:
1st place will receive a medal and a Rosette
2-6th will receive a Rosette
7-10th will receive specials.
For more information on the show please visit Beth's Facebook group
We would like to encourage everyone to get involved with Beth's wonderfully unique idea, which we are sure will go a long way to helping support those affected by NF across the UK. 😊

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