Nerve Tumours UK takes part in the Genomics Showcase
26 April 2021
Genomic Showcase 2021
Date: Friday 14th May
Time: 10 am to 7 pm
What is the Genomics Showcase?
Wales Gene Park is organising a new and exciting Genomics Showcase in collaboration with Genomics Partnership Wales. The Showcase was due to take place in Cardiff City Hall, however, the pandemic has forced a move to a virtual platform for delivery, so now you can join from the comfort of your own home!
The event will showcase genomics and its potential to improve healthcare for the people of Wales. The event will be live from 10.00 am until 7.00 pm. You can join and leave as many times as you like during the day or stay logged on for the duration!
Register for free and visit us at our virtual booth! Chat with our Specialist Neurofibromatosis Nurses and our head office team or get involved in the overall program.
Main Foyer
This will be an arrival area for all participants. Here you can find notice boards and signs letting you know exactly what's on offer. There will also be an interactive Information Zone, to help you get the most out of the event. Here you'll find the latest information about everything that's going on and 'what's coming up' notices. If you have any questions during the event head to the Help Desk.
Public Zone
- A series of talks throughout the day
A Genomics Café
- A Twilight Discussion
- An exhibition area with stands from various patient groups, charities etc
- A ‘Short Clips’ area – short films/animations on various genetics/genomics topics shown throughout the day
- Talks from key stakeholders and various other organisations
Interactive Zone
- An interactive games room with quizzes, puzzles and more
- Genomics Treasure Hunt
- DNA Extraction
School Zone
- University stands
- Genomics careers information
- Open to all
Health Professionals & Researchers Zone
- Four/five simultaneous events consisting of presentations and talks
- A Poster Hall where academic posters will be displayed and can be visited at any time. There will also be the opportunity for the best posters to be presented as talks.
- An Exhibition Area where companies will have virtual stands, accessible all-day
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