Kate Swallow’s Fantastic Fundraiser at the Tipsy Pig
17 September 2019
Kate Swallow's Fantastic Fundraiser at the Tipsy Pig
Thank you so much to Kate Swallow for hosting such an enjoyable musical fundraiser at the Tipsy Pig, Craft Alehouse. The photos (courtesy of Stuart Webster Photography) all look incredible and from the photos we can see that everyone loved the event including the music which was organised by both Lucas Greenwood and Phil.
– Kate"We are so overwhelmed and touched by the support of you all. We managed to raise an amazing amount to support Nerve Tumours UK. This is such an important charity to us and the money raised can do so much for the NF community. There was amazing music, cakes, games, raffle, hotdogs, face painting, hair braiding and lovely beer!"

We all at Nerve Tumours UK are so glad that the day was such a success for both Kate and everyone else involved 😊
Kate wanted to acknowledge everyone who helped her put on such an amazing day so we along with Kate would like to extend our gratitude to everyone who Kate has mentioned below!
“The Tipsy Pig, Craft Alehouse for hosing this event and giving us an amazing location with fabulous drinks to wash down the food.
Lucus Greenwood and Phil for helping find the music, set up, put up with messages all the time and generally being awesome.
Stuart Webster Photography for giving up his Saturday to do an extra day's work... The photos are stunning. All credit below to you.
My lovely family and friends for helping on stalls. Plaits all folks and pirates and pixies for providing their services for the day and making us look gorgeous! Youth in Romsey for lending the games, and Sue for picking them up!
Of course, our awesome entertainment for the day loved by all...
- Ben Dlugokecki
- Davey Jones' Locker
- Rick Tarrant
- Glen Wright Blues
- Dan O'Farrell Music
- Timothy Beckett
- Paul Vine Soul DJ
Thank you for all the prizes for the raffle and games donated by...
- Hundred Records
- Abacus Childcare and Education Services
- Viney Shop
- Luc Purveyor of Fine Foods
- Cavendish Romsey
- Nandos
- The Phoenix
- Crochet UK
- Vibrant Forest Brewery
- Asante
- Kit and Kaboodle
- Paperchain, Romsey
- Furzy Gardens
- Michelle longland (darceys and body shop)
- Zara vardel (gift donations)
- Sarah Davis, Tropic
- Oxygen Beauty
And plenty more donations from visitors who wanted to help!
As you can see, I had A LOT of support with this event, couldn't have done without you all!
But most importantly everyone who made a cake, bought a raffle ticket, sponsored Ben and came along to support the event. Thank you!”

Thanks again Kate and everyone who attended her tremendous fundraiser!

Before, During, After
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