21 October 2020

The Student Voice Prize
is now OPEN!
To those in our community that are medical students, trainee nurses, or know someone amongst your family and friends. Enter #DareToThinkRare for the 7th annual Student Voice Prize essay competition!

What is The Student Voice Prize?
The Student Voice Prize is an annual, international essay competition that focuses on raising the profile of rare disease within the medical field, particularly with medical students, nurses, and scientists, who may have never come across rare diseases in their training.
Findacure and Medics4RareDiseases host the competition together and the winner gets published in The Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases!
Why Rare Disease?
Rare diseases affect approximately 350 million people worldwide and are some of the most difficult conditions to diagnose. Despite the large number of people affected around the world, little time is dedicated to rare disease training in medical school. It is why The Student Voice Prize challenges the doctors, nurses, and scientists of tomorrow to think about rare disease today. After all with a lifetime risk of 1 in 17 in the UK, it’s not rare to come across them!
The 2020 Prizes include:
- Publication in one of the world’s most widely read scientific journals
- Speaking engagements
- Free trip to scientific conferences with all travel expenses paid*
- Become an advocate for rare disease
- Money
Who Can Enter?
If you fall under any of the following categories, you can enter The Student Voice Prize essay competition!
- Medical students
- Trainee nurses
- Undergraduate and masters students enrolled in biological sciences studies (pharmacy, biology, genetics, biomedical science, pharmacology etc.)
Deadline for Entry is 9:00 am GMT on 16th November 2020
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