Covid-19 Impact on Wellbeing in Families of Children with Rare Neurogenetic Disorders (CoIN Study)
29 July 2020

Are you the parent of a child aged 0-16 with a rare genetic and/or neurodevelopmental disorder?
You can help to better understand the impact of Covid19 on the wellbeing of families of children with rare genetic and neurodevelopmental disorders. If you fit the criteria, Kings College London and a UK-wide team of researchers (CoIN Study) would like to invite you to take part in a regular online survey.
The CoIN Study will track changes in wellbeing during and after the pandemic in order to understand the specific challenges facing families of children with rare disorders. Your responses will be rapidly fed back and used to identify and provide better ways of supporting you both now and in the future.
The survey will take up to 40 minutes to complete the first time you do it and about 15 minutes to complete thereafter. We will ask you to complete the survey once per month until children are back in their usual education.
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