Coronavirus and your Mental Health
06 November 2020
If you are finding things hard emotionally right now, you are not alone. Mind provides information and support.
The coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic is affecting all our lives. Many of us are struggling with how it is affecting ourselves and our loved ones. The current situation can take its toll on your mental wellbeing. All of us face changes in their day to day lives. These might include access to treatment, care, social life, being alone, issues due to the crisis at school or work, in short isolation, might have its impact on our Neurofibromatosis community. Realising any anxiety or increased pressure due to the situation can be dealt with and needs to be addressed. Mind has an array of resources that might help or point you in the right direction.
Here you'll find reliable information and tips to help you cope during this time.
If you have any further concerns or questions you can email us directly to or call our Helpline for medical and non-medical related queries 07939 046 030. You can discuss any issues confidentially with our Specialist Neurofibromatosis Nurses.
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