Autistica Research Festival 2021
17 August 2021
The Autistica Research Festival took place from 12 – 16 July 2021. The format of the festival remained an online forum for the second year, due to covid 19, making the event more accessible to more people from around the world. The conference is the leading autism research event in the UK and brings together some of the world’s top autism researchers, members of the autistic community, family and professionals working with & supporting autistic people. The event showcases some of the latest innovative research and focuses on inclusion, pushing the barriers for involvement and work participation for people with autism, so that we can start to make real progress towards happy, healthy, long lives for all autistic people.
The festival introduced new features, building on last year’s event. One of these was their social sessions. The social sessions created a unique semi-structured online space enabling people to network and talk about their own experiences on a more personal level, something that would come more naturally in a face-to-face setting – some even prefer this to real-life coffee breaks, which can be daunting.
If you missed the festival, tune into the roundtables, panels and keynotes from the day on the Autistica Research Fesitval YouTube Channel.
With more than 17 hours of exciting research presentations, in-depth topic discussions and personal insights from members of the community who live with autism – If you are affected by Autism or someone you know please have a look.
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