NF Related Conditions
People affected by NF1 are much more likely than others to be diagnosed with autism and ADHD, which can often significantly impact an individual’s quality of life.
Autism affects the way people communicate and experience the world around them.
Autism is a spectrum of developmental conditions.
Every autistic person is different. Some are able to learn, live and work independently, while many have learning differences or co-occurring health conditions that require specialist support.
For further information and guidance, please click the following link on the Autistica website:
Autism Central for Parents and Carers
Are you a family member or carer of an autistic child or adult? Are you looking for support, but not sure where to start?
As parents and carers of autistic children, young people and adults, it can be hard to find help when you’re trying to get the right support. Autism Central aims to make it easier to learn more about autism and services available to you.
Find resources, learn how to start and support your child's education. The Services Directory enables autistic people, their families and the professionals who work with them, to find local and national services.
Contact, who support families with disabled children, is a member of Autism Central and they are responsible for providing autism support for families living in London or the Midlands.
This includes one-to-one telephone support, individual support sessions on autism, providing support, information and guidance for parent carers based in London or the Midlands. All the calls and sessions are delivered by people with lived experience of autism.
To find out more, visit the support pages below:
If you or your child have learning difficulties, you can join a register at your doctor’s surgery. Anyone of any age, and any level of learning difficulty, can join the register.
This helps healthcare professionals make reasonable adjustments to the care they provide to you, including:
- how they tell you about appointments
- how they tell you about test results
- where you have to wait for your appointment
- where you are seen by the doctor or nurse
Please download this letter - you can take it to your GP and request for you (or your child) to be added.
If you have any questions, please contact our helpline 07939 046 030 on Monday, Wednesday or Friday 9am - 5pm.
There are only 128,000 adults in the U.K. diagnosed with ADHD. Conservative estimates put the percentage of those with the condition in the population at roughly 4%. That’s potentially 2 million individuals across the UK struggling with a number of severe impediments on their emotions, organisational and work life, finances and their close relationships.
Please have a look at the following videos to understand the issues of ADHD.
If you are affected, the following resources might help you.
We have shortlisted a number of useful websites which offer further information on the above listed NF related conditions.

Embracing Complexity
Organisations identifying and removing the barriers to neurodivergent inclusion.
Visit Website