Light A Landmark
'Shine a Light on NF' is a grassroots initiative that brings NF awareness into the community by lighting up buildings, bridges and iconic landmarks in blue.
NF is the group name for Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1), NF2-related-Schwannomatosis (NF2) and Schwannomatosis (SWN).
Reasons to light up?
Be part of a campaign making a real difference to the lives of people living with NF.
Your support helps them receive the medical & non-medical care they need to live their lives.
Local and international landmarks participating, leads to the NF Community feeling seen, heard and supported.
Greater awareness & knowledge of NF aids diagnosis & treatment, whilst also reducing stigma.
Steps to request a landmark to "Shine A Light on NF"
1. Be flexible, and keep the request simple.
"Hi, can I speak to the person in charge of your premises lighting? We'd like to ask your company to light up the building blue for charity?"
"Please could you light your building blue on Saturday 17 May, World NF Awareness Day. We're aware it's a weekend, so Friday 16 May also works for us, and an alternative date is Thursday 22 May, World NF2 Awareness Day."
In case your landmark needs a colour code i.e. a "Pantone" or "Hex code" please use the following
2. Once it's confirmed, tell everyone you can!
So you've asked, and they've said okay! Fantastic. Tell EVERYONE! but also, tell Alison in the NERVE TUMOURS UK office. She's heading up our end of the Shine A Light campaign.
"Hi Alison, Great news! My local landmark (insert landmark name and town) has agreed to light up blue for World NF Day!"
Email us: let know how you've done. This way we will ensure that we at Nerve Tumours UK and our friends at CTF will update their webpages.
Tag #NerveTumoursUK and #MakeNFVisible in all your social media posts about it
Plan a gathering for your friends, family and extended NF community at the location. Or, gather at a nearby spot where you have a view of the site and if you can please take some photos and send these to us at
If you have any questions, please contact Alison by email or call her on 0208 439 1234.