Share your Story
We want to hear your stories!
Over the years, so many of you have shared your inspirational stories with us!
This has not only helped us better understand NF, the group name for Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1), NF2-related-Schwannomatosis (NF2) and Schwannomatosis (SWN) , and how people deal with it, but it has also helped to uplift others with the condition as well.
That is why we have created this page so that you can add your inspiration to others lives by sharing your story with us below.
DISCLAIMER: We sadly won't be able to share everyone's story, therefore we will be selective with the ones we decide to put on the website, but please do send them in regardless!
Don't forget to include a photo as well, to make your story page even more vibrant and exciting 😊
For some Inspiration here are a number of stories we have up on our website now:
Kieran's Story
"My advice is to just stay positive, live your life as you would do." Kieran is an athletic, upbeat, motivated young man. Have a read of his inspiring story and how he has not let his NF1 hold him back.
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Emily's Story
Emily Owen is an author, speaker and workshop facilitator. Her inspiring and motivational story began when, as an energetic teenager, athlete and skilled musician, she was diagnosed as suffering from NF2. Have a read of her inspiring story here
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Olivia's Story
Read Olivia's amazing story, and brave attitude as she lives her life to the fullest despite her NF. “NF is part of me – without it I don't know who I'd be, and I am happy with the person I am”
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Gabriella's Story
“That's why I am proud of my NF beacuase it's part of who I am and I have learnt to accept it.” Have a read of Gabriella's story a brave kind and, intelligent young girl who takes her NF in her stride everyday!
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