Statement by Helen Tomkins our Specialist Neurofibromatosis Nurse UK
13 May 2020
I am the Specialist Neurofibromatosis Nurse covering Devon and Cornwall
I feel honoured to be working in the NHS and Nerve Tumours UK during these challenging times.
In relation to the delivery of the Neurofibromatosis Clinics / Support in Plymouth we have continued to offer a service but have had to do so in a different way to previously. Hospitals have had to make changes to how services are delivered due to COVID-19.
With the new guidance that came out regarding social distancing, we had to - in a very quick time frame change our working practices. This was a sharp learning curve but myself and the team here rose to the challenge.
Thankfully, with the help of technology we have been able to keep our clinics running. Following up on our patients and offering support when needed. Yet, in different ways and locations than previously. For patients under our service please be aware that you can contact us in the usual way. I continue to run clinics and support patients but because face to face appointments were postponed alternative ways to attend appointments have been offered. Our consultations have now been switched to virtual consultations or telephone consultations (when technology is not working in our favour). If you have an appointment with our service you will be sent a letter explaining how to log onto Attend Anywhere (for a web- based video consultation).
On a Personal level, in addition to working, I ensure that time is allocated to getting fresh air and exercise every day, particularly enjoyable now the weather has picked up. My dogs are certainly making the most of this change in lifestyle! And my culinary skills are slowly improving.
If you do need medical care - if you have new symptoms please contact your Health Care Provider. Please make contact if you need help with anything Neurofibromatosis related and of course please continue to follow the Government Guidance.