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Sarah’s NF1 story & Langmead fundraising

09 August 2022

I am Mum to Hannah, 9 and Jake 7.  I work full-time on Finance systems projects for a food business and my husband is a soft-tissue therapist and fitness trainer.

Hannah was first diagnosed at 2 ½ years old when the paediatrician we see annually for her allergies flagged that 3 café au lait spots on her torso may be NF1 and so referred her for genetic testing.  When it was confirmed, we as parents were tested but found to be clear, so we then knew this was a new genetic event in Hannah.

At that time, the impact to Hannah and us wasn’t so disruptive from a health perspective but more just a worrying and anxious time due to the uncertainty and what little we knew of how NF1 may affect her health in future.  Like all parents, you want your child to be accepted and it scared us to think that changes from NF1 may be met with hostility or negativity as she grew up.

Little changes occurred with NF1 for the next 18 months until 2 days before she was due to start school sadly she suffered an incident which led to her left leg, tibia bone breaking.  It took months before she was out of the casts, what the doctors put down to NF1 and eventually in March they were discharging us but instinctively I knew things were not right.  She still had a lump at the site of the break and wasn’t comfortable on her feet; she would often come in from school, take her shoes off and go straight on the floor to play. 

With my concerns the doctors referred us to St George’s to the orthopaedic surgeons for their advice and expertise.  After this, I trawled the internet for information about breaking bones and NF1 and there I saw it, issues with non-healing of bones known as Pseudarthrosis, the tibia being a common issue.  As soon as we saw the consultant in London from x-ray and examination they knew the NF1 had affected the bone and she was suffering from Pseudarthrosis.  All this time we thought her leg had been recovering but it hadn’t, it needed intervention. 

Hannah underwent an operation to insert a telescopic rod into the bone to support it as well as bone grafting from her hip bone placed at the site to encourage healing.  It gave some short-term success but she had two other operations over the course of the next year to make adjustments.  She has now had 3 years with no operations but unfortunately the bone continues not to play ball and the last 3 months her physical activity has become more and more limited.  We are about to look at a different approach with the doctors at the RNOH in NW London and hope that she can get back to doing more of what she loves soon.

"I had been with my employer for less than ten months but decided to nominate Nerve Tumours as a charity to support a corporate fundraising day in 2022 and was delighted that it was agreed.  I’d never done any formal fundraising for the charity before and was a little daunted to do so in having to share Hannah’s story and quite a private part of our lives.  At the same time, I was pleased to be able to build some awareness and allow my colleagues to get to know me a little better.  I volunteered to co-ordinate the fundraising and assembled some ambitious plans for the day. "

Hannah’s character was the inspiration….. firstly Hannah’s favourite colour is blue and taking the blue shine-a-light theme and the association with the NT charity logo and colours, I planned a blue theme.  For a small donation we would wear blue on the day, and have a baking competition with a blue theme.  We also adorned the office with blue balloons and decorations; one of my colleagues found blue sweets to dot around too.

Langmead Herbs is based in a beautiful part of the world on the south coast, and not being local, I really appreciated the wonderful location and so was keen to do some outdoor fundraising, taking in the beautiful surroundings.

The highlight of the day, what I called the main event, was inspired by Hannah’s resilience and determination not to be held back from physical activity by her leg and to represent her fondness for sport and outdoor activities.

Of this the ‘Triboatathon’ was created!  We would have three events over the course of the day, geared towards different ability levels and what people may enjoy.  Each event would command a £5 entry fee.

A cycle route or indoor static cycle challenge

A run or walk at lunchtime

A paddleboard/kayak trip at the local Quay at Bosham at the end of the day

I also persuaded my manager, the Finance Director (with a little hesitation), to participate in all three events so we could boost the fundraising by asking for sponsorship of him completing all three, the complete Triboatathon!

I shared plans for the day with Hannah’s story and was overwhelmed by the signup and how donations began to flood in; we had over £400 raised in the week leading up to the day before we had even started!

We had people across the group’s companies taking part and there was a huge buzz of excitement in the office.  We had to make some adjustments on the day since it was the week of very hot weather, so I was buying bottles of water and writing risk assessments and making sure we were doing everything in the safest possible way.  I wanted it to be enjoyable, but it was important to do it right.

The day was a huge success, way beyond expectations and we raised over £1000 which was then matched by the Langmead Board and finally totalled £2,180. 

Most surprisingly the day was an impromptu team building event, everyone got involved, the atmosphere was incredible, one staff member even said it was the best day they had experienced since working there!

My colleague kindly put together a fantastic photo collage, which I think sums up the day beautifully and we have a great reminder of a brilliant day both for Nerve Tumours fundraising and for my teams and colleagues getting to know each other better.

Masterclasses in NF: Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency Syndrome as Differential Diagnosis to NF1/Legius Syndrome - Prof. Dr. Katharina Wimmer

Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency Syndrome as Differential Diagnosis to NF1/Legius Syndrome

Prof. Dr. Katharina Wimmer, Medical University of Innsbruck

Masterclasses in NF: Rare NF1-Associated Tumors in Adults - Eric Legius & Prof. Ellen Denayer

Masterclasses in NF: Rare NF1-Associated Tumors in Adults

Eric Legius, MD, PhD, University Hospital Leuven

Prof. Ellen Denayer, University Hospital Leuven

Masterclasses in NF: Optimising Hearing Outcomes in NF2-Related Schwannomatosis - Simon Freeman

Masterclasses in NF: Optimising Hearing Outcomes in NF2-Related Schwannomatosis

Simon Freeman, MPhil FRCS, Manchester Royal Infirmary and Salford Royal Hospital

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Dermatological Manifestations - Pierre Wolkenstein, Laura Fertitta & Sirkku Peltonen

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Dermatological Manifestations

Pierre Wolkenstein, MD, PhD, Hopital Henri-Mondor, Paris, France

Laura Fertitta, MD, Hôpital Universitaire Henri Mondor

Sirkku Peltonen, MD, PhD, University of Gothenberg, Sweden

Masterclasses in NF: Breast Cancer in NF1 - Gareth Evans

Masterclasses in NF: Breast Cancer in NF1

Gareth Evans, MD, University of Manchester, UK

Masterclasses in NF: Pain in Non-NF2-Related Schwannomatosis - David Pang

Masterclasses in NF: Pain in Non-NF2-Related Schwannomatosis

David Pang, MD, ChB. Guys and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Trust, London

Masterclasses in NF: Distinguishing Non-NF2-Related from NF2-Related Schwannomatosis - Clinical and Genetic Approaches - Said Farschtschi

Masterclasses in NF: Distinguishing Non-NF2-Related from NF2-Related Schwannomatosis - Clinical and Genetic Approaches

Said Farschtschi, MD, University Medical Center, Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis - Eric Legius & Prof. Ellen Denayer

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis

Eric Legius, MD, PHD, University Hospital of Leuven, Belgium

Prof. Ellen Denayer, University Hospital of Leuven, Belgium

NF2 Working Together: from a tentative diagnosis and beyond

Understanding the impact that a tentative diagnosis has on a parent. Information and access to the existing NTUK and Specialist Nerve Tumours medical and non medical care network.

NF1 Working Together Part 2: from a tentative diagnosis and beyond

Understanding the impact that a tentative diagnosis has on a parent. Information and access to the existing NTUK and Specialist Nerve Tumours medical and non medical care network.

NF1 Working Together Part 1: from a tentative diagnosis and beyond

Understanding  the impact that a tentative diagnosis has on a parent. Information and access to the existing NTUK and Specialist Nerve Tumours medical and non medical care network.

Masterclasses in NF: Surgery in NF2 - Michel Kalamarides & Andrew King

Masterclasses in NF: Surgery in NF2

Michel Kalamarides, MD, PhD, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France

Prof Andrew King, MBBS FRCS FRCS(SN), Salford Royal Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom. Member of the MAB of Nerve Tumours UK

Masterclasses in NF: Cognition and Behaviour in NF1: Phenotype and Treatment Approaches - Shruti Garg, Andre Rietman

Masterclasses in NF: Cognition and Behaviour in NF1: Phenotype and Treatment Approaches

Dr Shruti Garg, MBBS, MRCPsych, MMedSci, PhD, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, United Kingdom. Member of the MAB of Nerve Tumours UK

Andre Rietman, PhD, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Masterclasses in NF: Emotional Challenges in NF1, NF2 and Schwannomatosis - Susie Henley, Thomas Pletschko & Verena Rosenmayr

Masterclasses in NF: Emotional Challenges in NF1, NF2 and Schwannomatosis

Susie Henley, DClinPsy, PhD, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London UK

Thomas Pletschko, PhD, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Verena Rosenmayr, Clinical Psychologist, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Pediatric Management - Rianne Oostenbrink

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Pediatric Management

Rianne Oostenbrink, MD, PhD, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Masterclasses in NF: Associated Glioma in Children - the Optic Pathway and Beyond - Amedeo Azizi

Masterclasses in NF: Associated Glioma in Children - the Optic Pathway and Beyond

Amedeo Azizi, MD, PhD, Head of the Paediatric Neurofibromatosis Program and Paediatric Neuro-Oncology Program, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Orthopedic Manifestations - Eric Legius and Christophe Glorion

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Orthopedic Manifestations

Eric Legius, MD, PhD. Head of Clinical Genetics Department of the University Hospital Leuven, Belgium

Christophe Glorion, MD, PhD, Department of Paediatric Orthopedic and Traumatologic Surgery, Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France. 

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumours - Rosalie Ferner and Viktor-Felix Mautner

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumours

Prof Rosalie Ferner, Consultant Neurologist and Lead Clinician for Neurofibromatosis, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London. Member of the MAB of Nerve Tumours UK and Trustee of Nerve Tumours UK

Viktor-Felix Mautner, MD, PhD. University Medical Centre in Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. Head of NF Outpatient Department

Masterclasses in NF - Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Cutaneous Neurofibromas - Pierre Wolkenstein and Sirkku Peltonen

Masterclasses in NF - Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Cutaneous Neurofibromas

Pierre Wolkenstein, MD, PhD. Hopital Henri-Mondor, Paris, France. Head of the Department of Dermatology

Sirkku Peltonen MD, PhD. University of Gothenberg, Sweden. Professor of Dermatology

INFER (International NF Educational Resources) is a series of online educational lectures for medical professionals by leading neurofibromatosis experts. The Masterclasses take place online approximately once a month, each on a different topic, and include real-time interaction between the expert presenter and the participants. The presentations are conducted in English, with real-time audio interpretation available in 6 additional languages: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. A recording of each INFER masterclass is then be made available online in each language for those who could not attend an event. INFER is an initiative of Children’s Tumor Foundation Europe, supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca.

BPNA Keynote Lecture - Prof Rosalie Ferner - Neurofibromatosis 1 in the 21st Century

‘Neurofibromatosis 1 in the 21st Century’

Keynote Lecture at the 48th British Paediatric Neurology Association Annual Scientific Meeting on 21st January 2022

Prof Rosalie Ferner, Consultant Neurologist and Lead Clinician for Neurofibromatosis, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London. Member of the MAB of Nerve Tumours UK and Trustee of Nerve Tumours UK