Oxford’s John Radcliffe Hospital celebrate NF2 Awareness Day
29 May 2024
The International NF2 Awareness Day was celebrated at the John Radcliffe Hospital on 22nd May 2024.
We set out to promote and educate our colleagues, patients, and the public about the condition and about the service offered in Oxford & Southwest Region for patients with NF2 Related Schwannomatosis.
Our Lead Nurse, Gillian Hemmings, was available for the day and engaged in the discussions, education and promotion.
We had a good stream of people at the stand, including members of staff, patients, medical students, doctors and researchers, who we educated about the condition.

We gave out a lot of the flyers and booklets for the NF2 Related Schwannomatosis charities.

The audience showed interest in gaining knowledge about this condition and the consequential impact it could have on the lives of affected people, especially on their hearing.
We had some sweets and cupcakes to share and we felt it was a worthwhile event.
NF2 remains relatively unknown to many despite its prevalence. This is one reason why we wanted to promote awareness amongst our colleagues within the Oxford University Hospital NHS Trust and the public.
John Radcliffe Hospital is one of the four main NF2 centres in England, providing care for children and adults with NF2 Related Schwannomatosis.
The NF2 Oxford and South West team provide specialist services at John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, Princess Anne Hospital in Southampton, Southmead Hospital in Bristol and Derriford Hospital in Plymouth.
The other three centres for NF2-related Schwannomatosis in England are Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Cambridge University NHS Foundation Trust.
There are additional specialist NF2 clinics, provided by these centres, throughout the country.
If you need further information, a referral or access to the NHS England NF2-related Schwannomatosis specialist services, please contact our helpline Monday, Wednesday or Friday 9am to 5pm on 07939 046 030 https://nervetumours.org.uk/help/line or speak with your GP.