Nerve Tumours UK Lottery
20 June 2022
Nerve Tumours UK signed up with One Lottery on 23rd June 2020.
In just under 2 years, solely through buying lottery tickets, our supporters have raised over £6000, which pays for approximately 5 months of a Specialist NF Nurse.
At the moment, access to a Specialist NF Nurse is by postcode lottery. One of the easiest ways you can help us expand our Specialist NF Nurse & Advisor network is by playing the NTUK Lottery.
This gives you the chance to win weekly cash prizes, Special Prize Draws and the jackpot of £25,000, and at the same time, you are helping support the 26,5000 with Neurofibromatosis in the UK.
Every lottery ticket bought helps make a difference.
£10 funds a school pack
£25 enables us to keep the NF Community informed on a monthly basis
£60 supports the Helpline plus a follow up initial call
£145 pays for a school visit
£150 funds a home visit
£1250 pays for a Specialist NF Nurse for approx. a month
The first NTUK Lottery draw for our supporters took place on 15th August 2020, with 265 tickets sold during that first month.
In May 2022, World NF month, ticket sales peaked at 818 tickets.
In nearly two years that the lottery has been running, 102 NTUK supporters have won weekly cash prizes.
Nerve Tumours UK is fully dedicated to the health and well-being of our NF Community, something actively promoted during the 40 years of NTUK.
The NTUK Lottery Special Prize Draws take place every few months, with the prizes reflecting modern day desires for work/life balance, with vouchers for fitness, relaxation and practical support.

Each lottery ticket costs £1

Nerve Tumours UK funds a unique Specialist Support Network for the 26,500 plus, children and adults, diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF), one of the most common neuro-genetic conditions, that causes tumours to grow on nerve endings, and with many associated medical issues.
A predominantly community-based service, offering both medical and non-medical advice and support, not just in clinics, but in schools, in employment, navigating the welfare system, and acting as advocates in tribunal and legal cases.
These Specialists are highly qualified medical professionals and therapists and link with the many other professionals involved in the care of anyone with NF.
We rely totally on donations to fund our services, and so buying a ticket through One Lottery means your support can help to generate regular sustainable funding. This will enable us to continue to run and expand our services, helping many thousands each year.