Press Release: National Lottery funds Nerve Tumours UK
Thanks to National Lottery players, we have two new patient info days on their way!
04 December 2018

Nerve Tumours UK thanks the National Lottery Community Fund.
The Big Lottery Fund has awarded a grant for Nerve Tumours UK to host further Patient Information Days.
For a third year, the Big Lottery Fund Awards for All has confirmed a grant, which will allow Nerve Tumours UK to host further Patient Information Days, to better inform families and individuals affected by Neurofibromatosis Type 1.
In recent years, thanks to the National Lottery, we have been able to facilitate information days in Guildford, Liverpool, Norwich, Glasgow and Cardiff. We are now excited to announce two new information events to take place in Carlisle and Bristol.
These information days provide a unique and crucial opportunity for individuals of any age, their friends and family, to seek answers and advice from leading neurofibromatosis experts. They are also able to meet other people living with the same challenges, in a safe and friendly environment, so helping to ease tensions and thus breaking down barriers caused by this isolating condition.
– Karen Cockburn, Charity Director, Nerve Tumours UK"We would like to thank the Big Lottery Fund and all those who play the National Lottery, for funding these vital events. This continued support means a great deal to Nerve Tumours UK, and over 26,000 people living in the UK, who are affected by nerve tumours."
– Alice Rosen, Trusts & Foundations Fundraising Manager"Not only do these events give patients an opportunity to ask very real questions to some of the country’s leading experts in neurofibromatosis, pain management and other associated conditions, but they also help us to reach out to parts of the UK, where there is currently no regional support for people with nerve tumours."
Every day in the UK, a child is born with neurofibromatosis – some inherit the condition, others are affected by a random mutation. Nerve tumours can affect anyone: any ethnicity, class or sex. Nerve Tumours UK is the authoritative voice of over 26,000 people in the UK who are born with one of the neurofibromatoses. The charity seeks to expand knowledge of the neurofibromatoses and advance the care for those affected by the conditions.
More information about the new upcoming information events will be shared as soon as Nerve Tumours UK have set dates for the events, so keep an eye on our website, Facebook and Twitter or you can subscribe to our email updates at the bottom of the page.
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