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Meet Megan

01 February 2019

Meet Megan

Megan Crews is a 30 year-old special needs tutor in Salisbury. She recently spoke out in The Sun about the prejudice people with NF face, and about being open and unembarrassed about her NF1. Here she tells more of her story:

What is your outlook on life?

" I refuse to let it win and I will, for as long as I can, skip through life with it hand in hand, pushing myself to live the life I want; be it in discovering and experiencing new parts of the world, furthering my career or sharing love"

Could you tell us a bit about yourself?

I’ve never known a life without Neurofibromatosis. I’ve always tried to live my life with it rather than in it, never allowing it to stop me living the life I want. At 15 years old I moved to France with my parents; learning the language whilst studying at a local French school and gaining some of the most loving, supportive and understanding friends anyone could ask for. Through a conversation with a friend at Exeter College in Devon, I heard about an opportunity to move to Beijing, China for a job working as a Teaching Assistant at The British School of Beijing. I couldn’t let this pass me by and Beijing then became my wonderful, exciting and eye-opening home for 7 years.

For the past 3 years I’ve been working full time in a Special Needs School for children and young adults in Salisbury, U.K. During that time, I’ve had multiple consultant’s appointments, MRI scans and other investigations. These have shown that I have 3 to 4 tumours on each side of the nerve root foramens on each vertebra down the whole length of my spine, with some beginning to push into my spinal column. They have also discovered growths on my lungs and osteoporosis in my hips. Having been advised that nothing can be done for any of these issues I’ve decided that once again it’s time to go on new adventures and I’m off to explore Australia to see where that takes me!

Does anyone else in your family have NF?

No, I’m a spontaneous mutation. I’ve made the decision not to have children due to the risk of passing on NF, or causing myself harm during birth or pregnancy that wouldn’t allow me to be the mother I wish to be. Adoption or fostering is high on my agenda and I hope to find a partner who is supportive and understanding enough to respect my wishes and join me in that adventure.

"Be proud to have NF and don’t be ashamed to show people your lumps, bumps or skin tags. You may get looks, you may be asked questions but use this as an opportunity to tell others of your stories and experiences"

– Megan

What is most challenging for you with your NF?

I have a very poor bladder, although I can’t fully blame NF for this. I’ve had all of the ‘normal’ investigative tests available, none of which have come out with an answer. I often have accidents when I’m at home, work or going out, all of which are highly embarrassing and upsetting. And of course, the daily pain that I get in my lower back and knee. Some days I can go without really noticing it, whereas others I’m couch bound with a hot water bottle, not being able to move around freely. This has, at times, stopped me from going out with family and friends as I felt that I would bring the mood of the night down if I couldn’t control the pain. I have recently started to take a hot water bottle out with me to restaurants and bars! I have had bad reactions to painkillers. Due to this I now only take Tramadol when I feel it is an absolute necessity – mainly if I have a day of work or travel and have woken up in pain or REALLY want to go out and can’t take my trusty hot botty!


Where do you get support? How important is that to you?

I get the majority of my support from my family and friends, who are all compassionate, understanding, supportive, inclusive and non-judgemental. This allows me to feel I can be open and honest about all that is happening with me as my NF develops and if I am in pain, not have to hide it away. The same goes for the bladder issues which is ‘bladdy’ fantastic and doesn’t make me feel like an outsider.

As well as this I find support a variety of Neurofibromatosis Facebook groups both situated in the U.K and Australia and for some who have become closer friends we now communicate via Messenger.  The Nerve Tumours UK website and community hub has also become a strong place of support and to find new information.

All of this social media has allowed me to find comfort in others and hopefully them in me as we support each other; sharing our own experiences, knowledge and understanding, thoughts and ideas and compassion. 

What advice would you give other patients and families?

Get the medical advice that you feel is necessary and seek out all the help and support that you can, but don’t let it rule your life.  

Be proud to have NF and don’t be ashamed to show people your lumps, bumps or skin tags. You may get looks, you may be asked questions but use this as an opportunity to tell others of your stories and experiences. Education is the key to helping people to gain understanding and compassion towards others, which in turn helps us all to live a life without feeling judged.

What is your outlook on life?

I believe that it is easy to let the pain and anguish of NF get the better of you. But I refuse to let it win and I will, for as long as I can, skip through life with it hand in hand, pushing myself to live the life I want; be it in discovering and experiencing new parts of the world, furthering my career or sharing love, light and laughter with family, friends and fellow humans I meet along the way.

Check out these recent articles:

Gisela’s Story

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Advice for Students with NF1, NF2-Schwannomatosis, and Schwannomotosis

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Ella’s Story

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Masterclasses in NF: Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency Syndrome as Differential Diagnosis to NF1/Legius Syndrome - Prof. Dr. Katharina Wimmer

Constitutional Mismatch Repair Deficiency Syndrome as Differential Diagnosis to NF1/Legius Syndrome

Prof. Dr. Katharina Wimmer, Medical University of Innsbruck

Masterclasses in NF: Rare NF1-Associated Tumors in Adults - Eric Legius & Prof. Ellen Denayer

Masterclasses in NF: Rare NF1-Associated Tumors in Adults

Eric Legius, MD, PhD, University Hospital Leuven

Prof. Ellen Denayer, University Hospital Leuven

Masterclasses in NF: Optimising Hearing Outcomes in NF2-Related Schwannomatosis - Simon Freeman

Masterclasses in NF: Optimising Hearing Outcomes in NF2-Related Schwannomatosis

Simon Freeman, MPhil FRCS, Manchester Royal Infirmary and Salford Royal Hospital

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Dermatological Manifestations - Pierre Wolkenstein, Laura Fertitta & Sirkku Peltonen

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Dermatological Manifestations

Pierre Wolkenstein, MD, PhD, Hopital Henri-Mondor, Paris, France

Laura Fertitta, MD, Hôpital Universitaire Henri Mondor

Sirkku Peltonen, MD, PhD, University of Gothenberg, Sweden

Masterclasses in NF: Breast Cancer in NF1 - Gareth Evans

Masterclasses in NF: Breast Cancer in NF1

Gareth Evans, MD, University of Manchester, UK

Masterclasses in NF: Pain in Non-NF2-Related Schwannomatosis - David Pang

Masterclasses in NF: Pain in Non-NF2-Related Schwannomatosis

David Pang, MD, ChB. Guys and St Thomas' Hospital NHS Trust, London

Masterclasses in NF: Distinguishing Non-NF2-Related from NF2-Related Schwannomatosis - Clinical and Genetic Approaches - Said Farschtschi

Masterclasses in NF: Distinguishing Non-NF2-Related from NF2-Related Schwannomatosis - Clinical and Genetic Approaches

Said Farschtschi, MD, University Medical Center, Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis - Eric Legius & Prof. Ellen Denayer

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis

Eric Legius, MD, PHD, University Hospital of Leuven, Belgium

Prof. Ellen Denayer, University Hospital of Leuven, Belgium

NF2 Working Together: from a tentative diagnosis and beyond

Understanding the impact that a tentative diagnosis has on a parent. Information and access to the existing NTUK and Specialist Nerve Tumours medical and non medical care network.

NF1 Working Together Part 2: from a tentative diagnosis and beyond

Understanding the impact that a tentative diagnosis has on a parent. Information and access to the existing NTUK and Specialist Nerve Tumours medical and non medical care network.

NF1 Working Together Part 1: from a tentative diagnosis and beyond

Understanding  the impact that a tentative diagnosis has on a parent. Information and access to the existing NTUK and Specialist Nerve Tumours medical and non medical care network.

Masterclasses in NF: Surgery in NF2 - Michel Kalamarides & Andrew King

Masterclasses in NF: Surgery in NF2

Michel Kalamarides, MD, PhD, Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris, France

Prof Andrew King, MBBS FRCS FRCS(SN), Salford Royal Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom. Member of the MAB of Nerve Tumours UK

Masterclasses in NF: Cognition and Behaviour in NF1: Phenotype and Treatment Approaches - Shruti Garg, Andre Rietman

Masterclasses in NF: Cognition and Behaviour in NF1: Phenotype and Treatment Approaches

Dr Shruti Garg, MBBS, MRCPsych, MMedSci, PhD, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, United Kingdom. Member of the MAB of Nerve Tumours UK

Andre Rietman, PhD, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Masterclasses in NF: Emotional Challenges in NF1, NF2 and Schwannomatosis - Susie Henley, Thomas Pletschko & Verena Rosenmayr

Masterclasses in NF: Emotional Challenges in NF1, NF2 and Schwannomatosis

Susie Henley, DClinPsy, PhD, Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London UK

Thomas Pletschko, PhD, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Verena Rosenmayr, Clinical Psychologist, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Pediatric Management - Rianne Oostenbrink

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Pediatric Management

Rianne Oostenbrink, MD, PhD, Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Masterclasses in NF: Associated Glioma in Children - the Optic Pathway and Beyond - Amedeo Azizi

Masterclasses in NF: Associated Glioma in Children - the Optic Pathway and Beyond

Amedeo Azizi, MD, PhD, Head of the Paediatric Neurofibromatosis Program and Paediatric Neuro-Oncology Program, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Orthopedic Manifestations - Eric Legius and Christophe Glorion

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Orthopedic Manifestations

Eric Legius, MD, PhD. Head of Clinical Genetics Department of the University Hospital Leuven, Belgium

Christophe Glorion, MD, PhD, Department of Paediatric Orthopedic and Traumatologic Surgery, Hopital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France. 

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumours - Rosalie Ferner and Viktor-Felix Mautner

Masterclasses in NF: NF1 Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumours

Prof Rosalie Ferner, Consultant Neurologist and Lead Clinician for Neurofibromatosis, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London. Member of the MAB of Nerve Tumours UK and Trustee of Nerve Tumours UK

Viktor-Felix Mautner, MD, PhD. University Medical Centre in Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. Head of NF Outpatient Department

Masterclasses in NF - Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Cutaneous Neurofibromas - Pierre Wolkenstein and Sirkku Peltonen

Masterclasses in NF - Neurofibromatosis Type 1: Cutaneous Neurofibromas

Pierre Wolkenstein, MD, PhD. Hopital Henri-Mondor, Paris, France. Head of the Department of Dermatology

Sirkku Peltonen MD, PhD. University of Gothenberg, Sweden. Professor of Dermatology

INFER (International NF Educational Resources) is a series of online educational lectures for medical professionals by leading neurofibromatosis experts. The Masterclasses take place online approximately once a month, each on a different topic, and include real-time interaction between the expert presenter and the participants. The presentations are conducted in English, with real-time audio interpretation available in 6 additional languages: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish. A recording of each INFER masterclass is then be made available online in each language for those who could not attend an event. INFER is an initiative of Children’s Tumor Foundation Europe, supported by an educational grant from AstraZeneca.

BPNA Keynote Lecture - Prof Rosalie Ferner - Neurofibromatosis 1 in the 21st Century

‘Neurofibromatosis 1 in the 21st Century’

Keynote Lecture at the 48th British Paediatric Neurology Association Annual Scientific Meeting on 21st January 2022

Prof Rosalie Ferner, Consultant Neurologist and Lead Clinician for Neurofibromatosis, Guy's and St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London. Member of the MAB of Nerve Tumours UK and Trustee of Nerve Tumours UK