Matthew’s story
04 January 2024
Warwickshire Scout given rare award for commitment through brain tumour treatment.
Matthew, a dedicated Scout, has been awarded the prestigious Cornwell Scout Badge for his outstanding courage, determination, and devotion to scouting, in the face of significant health challenges, the first occurrence of a Cornwell award in Warwickshire.
– Faye, Matthew's mum"I am so amazingly proud of my son. Scouting for all!"
The Cornwell Scout Badge is awarded to individuals under 25,

who have demonstrated great heroism,

pre-eminent high character and devotion to duty,

coupled with great courage and endurance.

– Gareth Onens, a Scout Leader at Matthew’s Explorer Unit"Matthew's story is a testament to the true spirit of scouting. Overcoming challenges, embracing the full Scouting programme, and demonstrating unwavering determination. We are so proud of Matthew!"
Matthew was diagnosed with NF2 at the age of 8, following a series of epileptic seizures, which lead to the discovery of several brain tumours. In December 2015, Matthew underwent a gruelling 12-hour surgery to remove a brain tumour, setting the stage for several personal challenges and his extraordinary scouting journey.
Matthew, a former Beaver Scout, faced the challenge of needing new levels of support and parental presence at Cubs after surgery.

Undeterred, he returned to Cubs eight weeks post-surgery with the leadership team’s support, resuming active participation. It took over eight months for him to return to school full-time.
Despite ongoing seizures limiting his participation, Matthew earned the Chief Scouts' Bronze award and smoothly transitioned to Scouts.
His resilience & determination led him to participate in various scouting activities - tiredness and lasting effects posed barriers, but Matthew thrived on scout camps and completed the District Dovetrek challenge, a 12 mile activity hike, before lockdown.

Matthew's dedication and spirit caught the attention of Captain Tim Peake and Steve Backshall, who both mentioned him on X (formally Twitter).

Matthew was awarded Scout of the Year in 2021

Matthew's scouting journey persisted through hospital stays, two epilepsy surgeries, and regular chemotherapy.

– Matthew, Explorer Scout"Scouting allows me to be me, I can do as much as I can with the support of my friends despite my limitations. Scouting gives me a freedom from hospitals and lets me have a normal life. Dovetrek was so hard and pushed me to my limit, I also got Scout of the Year in my last year of Scouts!"
Even during the lockdown, he actively participated in Zoom meetings and transitioned into Explorer Scouts.
Matthew faces another surgery on his ankle, but he remains determined to overcome physical limitations and continue scouting.
As an active member since joining Beaver Scouts at the age of 6, Matthew volunteers for various activities despite fatigue and physical limitations. His health condition, which includes ongoing tumour monitoring, potential hearing loss, and continued chemotherapy, does not dampen his commitment to scouting. Matthew plans to continue scouting for as long as he is physically able.
Mel, Specialist NF Nurse for Nerve Tumours UK and Juliette, Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist, from Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge have supported the family from diagnosis.
Addenbrooke's is one of the Centres for Excellence for NF2. Juliette works closely with Nerve Tumours UK and our network of Specialist NF Nurses, and recently gave a presentation at our annual nurses/ advisors' conference.