Eden-P Research Study
01 June 2023
The University of Manchester, is starting a new study to try to understand pregnancy experiences and early brain development of babies born to parents who have NF1 (either mother or father has NF1).
Some children with NF1 experience daily problems with learning, paying attention in the classroom and concentrating. We don’t understand how these difficulties develop and don’t yet have good treatments for them.
At the University of Manchester, we are starting a new study to try to understand pregnancy experiences and early brain development of babies born to parents who have NF1 (either mother or father has NF1). We will offer you a gift voucher as a token of appreciation for participation and cover any reasonable travel expenses.
There are two aspects to the study. You can take part in one, or both parts:
- A single online interview with our researcher to talk about your experience of pregnancy
- A research visit which will include an MRI and ultrasound of the baby. Both scans are non-invasive and completely safe for you and your baby.
If you are interested or would like to find out more about this study, please get in touch with Dr Shruti Garg via email at: nfresearch@manchester.ac.uk or telephone 0161 306 0085