Centre for Appearance Research - YP Face IT
23 September 2021

YP Face IT is an online self-help tool for young people aged 12-17.
CAR and organisations such as Changing Faces work to raise public awareness and the importance of acceptance and not judging people on the way they look. To help young people now, they need support and skills to manage other people's reactions and to feel more confident.
With the help of young people with a variety of appearance-affecting conditions, YP Face IT was developed by specialist psychologists to provide immediate advice and support at home. It includes advice from young people with similar experiences, using interactive and learning activities to help manage difficult thoughts and feelings and unwanted attention from others.
YP Face IT has seven weekly sessions that provide advice and support in written, audio and video formats.
It includes interactive and homework activities that teach and encourage users to practice strategies such as managing staring or bullying.

Social skills, anxiety-management and cognitive behavioural techniques are taught to overcome social anxiety and target negative appearance related thoughts and behaviours that reduce self-esteem.
Videos feature adolescent actors with a visible difference, who play different roles in scenarios scripted and created for the programme. Young people can hear testimonies from celebrity role models with appearance-altering conditions, learn from others who have adjusted positively to the challenges of living with a visible difference and reflect on their own experiences.
There is also a discussion forum, where young people can meet and socialise with other young people who have a visible difference, discuss any concerns they may have, or offer support.