11 year old inspired to run 31 miles within 8 hours for his brother who has NF
12 June 2019
11 year old inspired to run 31 miles within 8 hours for his brother (12) who has NF
Since coming across Adam Jacob's (NF1) story detailing his incredibly active lifestyle despite his condition, an 11 year old boy called Will has been inspired to take part in Runstock 2019 in aid of his older brother Jacob, who has NF1.
Will had originially planned to run a half marathon but since reading about Adam and how he has constantly pushed his body to limits in order to conquer some immense challenges, Will decided to do the same and take on the challenge of running the full 31 miles!
Will after completing the race
Will managed to complete the entire 31 miles in the pouring rain!

It is nothing short of a truly remarkable achievement from Will, one we are sure Adam himself would be proud of!
If you haven't done so already you can find the story that inspired Will here
Will's older brother Jacob (NF1)
Jacob is also an avid runner himself and depsite his condition, he has an outstanding record of having completed more than 20 Saturday Parkruns!